Spine 2024 AiRs

Miss Jacqui is part of SPINE Festival 2024, along with an incredible team of poets they’ll be leading workshops and arts activities for children in Libraries and schools across London this Spring.

Describe yourself in 3 words…

Respectfully honest, Goofball, passionate.

What inspires you?

 Family and the communities I come from.

Tell us about your worst ever gig?

I was on stage and I had only had 2 hours of sleep the night before and I just kept repeating the same line until the rest of the poem came to me but the audience were super chilled about it.

What’s your number one poetry pet peeve?

 When someone uses like a thousand metaphors that don’t link or make much sense.

Whose words do you love at the moment?

 Galavanting, shenanigans, flabbergasted.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

 Trust yourself and have a little more fun.

How do you relate to the themes of magic & imagination?

Our imaginations are what makes the world work, think about inventors and storytellers. We are all a little magical.

What do you enjoy most about working with children, families and libraries?

 Seeing how everyone is included and truly wants to get involved warms my heart every single time.

If you could do someone else’s job for a day, what job would it be

 Astronaut or Cardiologist because I wanted to be those when I was a kid.

An image of Poet Miss Jacqui, She has long black hair and wears an orange hoodie, she also has a brown, orange and white coat on, she wears brown trousers. She smiles at the camera, her left hand rests on the blue controls of her wheelchair.

About Miss Jacqui

Miss Jacqui is a Poet and Songwriter who knows a great deal about working with the cards that you are dealt. She is someone who always tries to challenge societal perceptions, like what it actually means to be a black woman with a disability. A wheelchair user herself, Miss Jacqui wants her poetry and music to help her listeners to see the world differently, and to inspire others to feel confident in being themselves.

She is also a Spoken Word Artist, Songwriter, and Facilitator.

Website: www.missjacqui.co.uk
My EP ‘