Describe yourself in 3 words… 

I am Noor.

What inspires you?

My name, Noor, means light. I want to live up to its meaning. I want to be a light for myself and all those that I meet in this life.

Tell us about your worst ever gig?

Oh nooo, one time, I felt so anxious whilst performing. Knees weak, arms heavy, mum’s biriyani… I had to leave the stage and I felt so weird after not really understanding why I was feeling that way.
After a lot of reflection I realised I was burned out, I had been running around for the month before where I didn’t have much left to give when it was time to do this show.

I learned how important rest is from this experience, although I felt like I was fine mentally, I knew the words, the body keeps score! (incredible book by Bessel van der Kolk).

What’s your number one poetry pet peeve?

I think for me personally if someone sounds like they are reading their poem for the first time on stage. I find it difficult to really hear it properly if that makes sense? Like when there is no tonality it’s difficult to take in the message of the poem.

Reading is fine, but I prefer when a person is comfortable with the words they are reading, so they can play more with performance.

Whose words do you love at the moment?

I love love love I Was a Tree by Koko Brown – I think I have shown this piece to anyone that will listen to it. The way the poem grows, like a tree!!! It is truly masterful, the written version is just as beautiful as the spoken piece, which really inspires me!

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Do the thing, don’t think about what anyone else thinks.

If you could spend a day in a fictional world, what world would it be?

Matt Haig has a book called the midnight library. In this library there are books on all the possibilities your life could take. I would love to go to my own midnight library!

An image of poet Noir Iman. She has shoulder length brown hair and wears a white jumper and blue jeans. She stands in front of a microphone and is performing a poem.

Noor Iman

Noor is a spoken-word artist, singer and writer. Her experiences range from beginning her spoken word journey as a Semi-Finalist in the BBC Words First competition in 2021. Noor has performed all over the UK from Scotland to Brixton. She has been commissioned by the Mayor of London for World Mental Health Day, as well as performing at the Commonwealth Games ceremony in Birmingham in 2022. 

She has performed on esteemed platforms like Sofar Sounds and is a part of the Flovortex Collective of poets. Noor uses poetry as a tool for introspection and deeper understanding of her experience of the world. In 2023 she released a five-part project titled ‘Light in a dark room,’ available on all streaming platforms which she self produced and published. 

Noor believes writing to be free therapy. We all have a story to share, we just need to find a way to tell it.

Insta: @noori_ia