It’s a lesser known fact that stress can actually be helpful, as it can motivate us to work harder than we would otherwise. However before, during and even after exams, stress can become overwhelming.

Come along to chat with exam invigilator and school librarian Jacqui for tips on handling this type of stress.


Saturday 9 March, 3 – 5pm

Tuesday 12 March, 4.15 – 5.30pm

Thursday 14 March, 6 – 7.30pm

This event is part of SPINE Festival 2019. Produced by Apples and Snakes, SPINE is a multi-disciplinary arts festival giving young people the chance to engage with workshops and live performances for free at their local library. Taking place across 17 London boroughs, the theme of this year’s festival is teen wellbeing. Find out more about SPINE Festival. #SPINE2019