Apples and Snakes @ Home is the online gig series where leading spoken word artists share poetry and conversation for you to enjoy from the comfort of your sofa!

Series 3 will focus on the theme of ‘Home’, with artists exploring the idea of belonging in an increasingly fragmented world. We want to use this as an opportunity to amplify the voices of under-represented groups by focusing our programming on Black and brown artists living in England who may feel at ‘Home’ in more than one place or identity.

This episode will feature performances from Sea Sharp and Fathima Zahra, as well as a specially commissioned poem from Setareh Ebrahimi. Hosted and co-curated by Bridget Minamore.

Click the ‘Watch Gig’ button to the right and join us over on the Apples and Snakes YouTube channel for an hour of poetry and conversation.


Sea Sharp
Sea Sharp is an award-winning poet and author of Black Cotton (Waterloo Press, 2019) and The Swagger of Dorothy Gale & Other Filthy Ways to Strut (Ice Cube Press, 2017). Both on the stage and on the page, their work is known to be “emotively confrontational and politically charged” with uncompromising critiques on how we continuously mistreat each other, ourselves and our planet. To this day, Sea Sharp is still black, queer and sometimes invisible.

Fathima Zahra
Fathima Zahra is an Indian poet based in Essex. She is a Barbican Young Poet and a Roundhouse Poetry Collective alumni. Her work has been published or are forthcoming in SLAM! You’re Gonna Wanna Hear This; A Letter, A Poem, A Home and Tentacular Magazine. She is currently completing her MA in Creative Writing and Education at Goldsmiths University of London.

Setareh Ebrahimi
Setareh Ebrahimi is an Iranian-British poet living and working in Faversham, Kent. She has been published numerous times in various journals and magazines, including Brittle Star, Confluence, and Ink Sweat & Tears. Setareh released her first pamphlet of poetry, In My Arms, from Bad Betty Press in 2018.She is currently a contributing editor for Thanet Writers and in 2018 Setareh was one of the poets in residence of The Margate Bookie, at the Turner Contemporary Gallery.

Bridget Minamore
Bridget Minamore is a British-Ghanaian writer from south-east London. She is a dramaturg, teacher, journalist, and poet; Titanic (Out-Spoken Press), her debut pamphlet of poems, was published in 2016. Bridget currently works for production company Esperanto Filmoj, as the Writing Assistant to writer and director Alfonso Cuarón.


Spoken word has the power to bring people together in the best and worst of times. As we find ourselves in a period of global uncertainty, distanced physically from one another, the need to connect has never felt more important.

At Apples and Snakes, we know it’s vital to continue supporting artists and the wider spoken word community through this time of change, producing new work and pushing the boundaries of what poetry is and can be.