Work From Home is our ongoing Alumni Artistic Development Program. Work From Home takes place online and behind the scenes. It’s a space dedicated to those who have participated with us so we can keep the relationship and support ongoing. We value our alumni and through this programme we can connect and stay in touch, offering support and development opportunities when the initial point of contact has passed.
12 times a year previous project participants are offered limited capacity online development workshops with some of the country’s leading poets and facilitators.
These sessions cover a range of topics around writing and performing poetry as well as guidance around publishing collections and funding surgeries. These topics have been decided via our artists survey – to ensure our workshops and webinars meet the needs of our audience.
Previous tutors include Deanna Rodger, Polarbear, Anthony Anaxagorou, Vanessa Kissule, Joelle Taylor and Malika Booker to name a few.
Note these opportunities are part of an ongoing relationship and are not open to the public without engaging with one of our other programs first. Access points to this network are programs like Red Sky Sessions, ATWAS and Words First.