Describe yourself in 3 words…

Curious, dream-oriented and my housemate just said ‘spunky’ haha

What inspires you?

REVOLUTION! When I chat to people about changing the world, I zoom out of myself and into collective consciousness- this is such an authentic sweet spot to create from. I am also obsessed with queer ecology and mythology.

Tell us about your worst ever gig?

I don’t really hierarchise performances, as I try to observe and not judge. But the inevitable nervous tummy, desire to poop and jelly knees exhaust my nervous system

What’s your number one poetry pet peeve?

Grammar policing, all language is made up and shaming people into speaking a certain way is oppressive. I grew up in a bilingual household and find fusion poetry so much more engaging!

Whose words do you love at the moment?

My gorgeous friends Iman Sultan West (@imanwest_) and Shakara (@_shak.ara) are absolutely smashing the Bristol poetry scene. Iman is f*cking hilarious, witty and rhythmic and attending one of Shakara’s performances is guaranteed to shift your very being.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Read All About Love by Bell Hooks and learn to play a sexy instrument like a saxophone

What’s your favourite season of the year and why?

Summer, I have a codependent relationship with the sun oops

About Valentina Huxley

Valentina (they/them) is a British/Chilean artist based in Bristol. Specialising in illustration and poetry, they explore themes like intergenerational healing, South American folklore, addiction, queerness, ecology and the absurdity of human-ing.

Valentina’s Insta: @valentinapazhux 

Valetina is part of Future Voices. Find out more about the project here.