Apples and Snakes invited emerging artists from across England to produce acts of creative resistance against climate and environmental injustice in response to Cece’s Speakeasy.

The resulting films were released in the lead up to Cop26, the UN’s climate conference heading to Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021. 

We invite truth-seekers, chocolate lovers and coffee drinkers and adventurers to be inspired to talk about issues around climate change through the stories of Coffee and Chocolate. 

Live events

In July 2031… An event took place in a secret location in South East London. It was an act of creative resistance against climate and environmental injustice using live music, spoken word, storytelling and cutting-edge visuals… Cece’s Speakeasy.

Join our Midlands Activists for Cece’s Satellite Speakeasy: Midlands, on 3 Dec 2021. More information and book here.

‘Between the Cracks’ by Camille McCawley

A poem that marries the past, present and future of how we imagine the natural world, we have lived in, do live and will nurture for the future.

‘With You I See Light’ by Aisha Sanyang-Meek

Aisha brings a playful and sincere question about life purpose, holistic contentment and a meaningful connection with nature. There is definace in her voice and radical elementalism in her imagery.

‘A Slow Road to Nowhere’ by Chadwick Jackson

A perceptive account of the Boiling Frog syndrome and the fine line between, passive activism and the nonchalant shapeshifting and advancement of capitalism.

‘Will buttercups still grow?’ by Seun Matiluko

An account of the clash between consumerist culture, our intimate lives, Seun ask the question about how everyday human purchasing habits are complicit in the poisoning of the planet.

Season for Change – Cece’s Speakeasy Discussion

Commissioners Seasons for Change interview the production team of Cece’s Speakeasy to explore the reasons for why a production of this sort is necessary in the conversation for climate change and equality.

What role does art and culture have?

‘Pods and Beans’ by Kofi Gyamfi

In ‘Pods and Beans’, Kofi gives us astute and frank wordplay about climate change and colonial power using coffee and chocolate as clear indicators of where humanity could do better.

‘love languageS’ by melissandre varin

A eloquently constructed collage of images and words that journeys through expressions of love between humans and for the earth.

‘She Hums’ by Hannah Temme

Hannah acknowledges human’s inextricable dependance on the Earth and reflects on ancestral wisdom of indigenous nations as the solution to the healing of the planet, and the subsequent saving of ourselves from the devastating effects of climate change.

‘Questionable’ by Ryan Sinclair

Who owns our lungs? A hard hitting, thought provoking musing on urbanisation and air pollution, smoking and #ICantBreathe.

‘Shine’ by Ella Walsworth-Bell

Ella brings hope in a rallying cry to focus on the resilience and innovation of humans. Her poem is one about the tenacity of spirit to not surrener and go under when climate change is an ominous cloud floating in peope minds. Focus on being self assured instead.

‘2 Degrees’ by Ingrid McLaren

A beautiful, intimate and contemplative multi-media animation on the future of procreation, hope and humanity more than surviving, but thriving.

‘All Things Were As One’ by justsomeguy (Steve Lawton)

Steve uses archetypal myth, realism and storytell the epic journay human kind is on with its realtionship with the earth. He uses corruption and innocence in juxtaposition to highlight the paradoxes of current human existence.

We’d love to see your work – tag your poetry with #CecesSpeakeasy to share on social media, or submit your poems to our form for the chance to be featured on the Apples and Snakes website. 

Submit your poem

About Cece’s

As global temperatures rise, the quality and quantity of our crops decreases. In the not-so-distant future, coffee bean production will halt – caffeine will become extinct. By 2050 there will be no more chocolate.
Step forward into 2031. Read more about Cece’s on the project page.

Cece’s Speakeasy is an immersive poetic experience commissioned and produced by Apples and Snakes, in partnership with UK Jazz tastemakers, Jazz re:freshed and The Albany, and co-commissioned by Season For Change (SfC). Cece’s received additional support from “The London Community Foundation” and “Cockayne – Grants for the Arts”, the PRS Foundation, Jerwood Arts and The Garrick Trust.